Educational Services
Welcome to Nuview Union School District's Educational Services webpage.
The Educational Services Division oversees the following areas:
- Instructional Practices
- Curricular Adoptions and Implementation
- Williams Compliance
- Professional Development
- English Learner Services
- Federal and State Program Monitoring
- Title I - (Helping Students Succeed in School)
- Title II - (Improving Teacher and Principal Quality)
- Title III - (Supporting English Language Learners)
- Title IV - (Enhancing Student Enrichment and Wellbeing)
- Local Control Accountability Plan development and oversight
- Expanded Learning
- Assessment and Accountability, including CA Dashboard
- Arts and Music Programming
- Universal TK Implementation
Erica Williams
Director of Educational Services and ELOP
Jessica Hernandez
Community Engagement Specialist
Yesica Gibson
Departmental Secretary