Board Operating Protocols
Board Operating Protocols
Children’s interests come first. The Board will represent the needs and interests of all the children in our district.
The purpose of school Board meetings is for the Board to conduct its business in public. Board meetings are not public forums. The Brown Act requires the Board to conduct its business meetings in public, unless the topic is appropriate for closed “executive” session which is for the purpose of addressing issues dealing with real estate transactions, negotiations, personnel, or anticipated litigation. The discussion of agendized items is intended to be among Board members, and cannot be a discussion with the public, as this is the process of the Board conducting its business in a public setting.
Meeting Protocol. Conduct at a Board meeting is very important. We desire to have the legacy of a well-functioning, effective Board. We agree to avoid words and actions that create a negative impression of an individual, the Board, or the district. We will be open-minded and willing to “attentively listen” to all speakers/presenters. We acknowledge that we can disagree and will do so using common courtesy and respect for others. We will not react to impromptu complaints on the spot, but the Board President will assure the individual(s) that the school district will follow-up.
We agree that we will ask the Board President or the Superintendent to place an item on the agenda. If Board members have questions they want to address at the Board meeting, they should communicate with the Superintendent or Board President prior to the meeting, if possible.
The Board acts only as a body. Individual Board members do not have authority. Only the Board as a whole has authority. We agree that an individual Board member will not take unilateral action. During Board meetings, the Board President will communicate the position(s) of the Board on all issues. When Board members serve on various school committees their role shall be defined by the Board as silent observer or active participant.
Follow the chain of command. The last stop, not the first, will be the Board. We agree to follow the chain of command and insist that others do so as well. While the Board is eager to listen to constituents and staff, Board members will refer the person back to the employee who can properly and expeditiously address the situation.
Executive/closed session will be held only for appropriate matters. Executive sessions will be held only when specific needs arise on topics that are appropriate for closed session according to the Open Meeting Act (the Brown Act). Board members will be extremely sensitive to the legal ramifications of closed session meetings and will not make comments outside of the meeting about the closed session discussions.
Communication between staff and the Board is encouraged. However, individual Board member requests for information of materials will be directed to the Superintendent. Requests that will likely require considerable staff time or have political implications may be brought to the Board for approval. All personnel complaints and criticisms received by the Board or its individual members will be directed to the Superintendent. The senior leadership team recognizes that “good,” “timely,” “open,” and “constant” communication regarding school district issues is extremely important. We will strive to anticipate issues which may become important or are sensitive to our school district and district stakeholders.
Exemplify the governance role. The leadership team (the Board and Superintendent) will support the policies our district currently has in place. We will continue to annually study and review policies for effectiveness and appropriately engage key stakeholders in the development or deletion of policies and policy revisions. We will maintain and apply district policies consistently while being cognizant of and recognizing the potential uniqueness of any given situation.
Practice efficient decision-making. Board meetings are for decision-making action and votes, not endless discussion. The Board President will call for action when the discussion becomes repetitive.
Utilize Superintendent input. The Superintendent should make recommendations, proposals, or suggestions on most matters that come before the Board.
Speak to agenda issues. The Board will not play to the audience. We agree to speak to the issues on the agenda and listen to our fellow Board members. Facts and information needed from the administration will be referred to the Superintendent.
Clearly stated goals. The Board will set clear goals for themselves and the Superintendent. The Board and Superintendent will set clear goals for the Nuview Union School District.
Own your own issues. The Board will not be a liaison for others, but rather, will encourage others to present their own issues, problems, or proposals when discussing issues.
Conduct efficient and effective Board meetings. Long Board meetings should be avoided. Points are to be made in as few words as possible; speeches at Board meetings should be minimal. If a Board member believes he/she doesn’t have enough information or has questions the Superintendent is to be contacted before the meeting.
Schedule annual study session dates. During the December Organizational Meetings, the Board will schedule at a minimum, quarterly Board Study Sessions for the school year.
Annually conduct a Board evaluation. The Board will address its performance with the operating protocols at an annual self-evaluation meeting during the scheduled summer study session. Individual problems such as poor meeting attendance or leaks of confidential information will be addressed as they arise.