Please Note:
NUSD does not endorse the following references and resources. We are just providing the information as a reference.
NUSD does not endorse the following references and resources. We are just providing the information as a reference.
A Parent's Guide to the Content Standards
This guide for parents identifies what children need to know and be able to do in kindergarten through grade three in the academic subjects of English–language arts, mathematics, science, and history– social science. This guide, which is organized by grade level for ease of use, will help parents ensure successful educational experiences for their children.
California Department of Education
CDE Press Sales Office
1430 N Street, Suite 3207
Sacramento, CA 95814-590
Educational Resources Catalog
California Department of Education
CDE Press Sales Office
1430 N Street, Suite 3207
Sacramento, CA 95814-590
Educational Resources Catalog
Publications and other educational resources from CDE Press, the Department's publications office.
Resource: California Department of Education, 2010
National and State Resources for Parents
Resource: Total Education Solutions, 2008
No Child Left Behind
Resource: California Department of Education, 2010
National and State Resources for Parents
Resource: Total Education Solutions, 2008
No Child Left Behind
The link below will guide you to the California's homepage for the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).
Resource: California Department of Education (CDE)
Programs and Contacts
Program Web sites and contact information of California Department of Education staff responsible for individual programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (commonly known as the No Child Left Behind Act).
Resource: California Department of Education (CDE)
Parent/Guardian Guide to the STAR Program
The tests in the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program are an important part of the state assessment system. These tests are administered each spring to measure how well students in California’s public schools are achieving the California content standards. These achievement tests target English–language arts and mathematics in grades two through eleven. In addition, tests in science and history–social science are given in selected grades. Answers to commonly asked questions about the STAR program are provided below.
Resource: Ed Data Partnership, 2011
Testing and Accountability
Provides information on student academic achievement and program requirements.
Resource: California Department of Education (CDE)
Testing Our Schools - A Guide for Parents
As a parent, you have likely heard a great deal about testing in the last few years. You may have questions about testing and your child. What exactly are these tests measuring? How do the results affect student promotion, teacher evaluation, and school accreditation? This guide will answer some of your questions and give you information about testing.
Resource: Frontline
Resource: California Department of Education (CDE)
Programs and Contacts
Program Web sites and contact information of California Department of Education staff responsible for individual programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (commonly known as the No Child Left Behind Act).
Resource: California Department of Education (CDE)
Parent/Guardian Guide to the STAR Program
The tests in the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program are an important part of the state assessment system. These tests are administered each spring to measure how well students in California’s public schools are achieving the California content standards. These achievement tests target English–language arts and mathematics in grades two through eleven. In addition, tests in science and history–social science are given in selected grades. Answers to commonly asked questions about the STAR program are provided below.
Resource: Ed Data Partnership, 2011
Testing and Accountability
Provides information on student academic achievement and program requirements.
Resource: California Department of Education (CDE)
Testing Our Schools - A Guide for Parents
As a parent, you have likely heard a great deal about testing in the last few years. You may have questions about testing and your child. What exactly are these tests measuring? How do the results affect student promotion, teacher evaluation, and school accreditation? This guide will answer some of your questions and give you information about testing.
Resource: Frontline